
Wishes of experts by experience

We asked people with type 2 diabetes how and when they want to contribute to the development and application of digital tools (eHealth) in their care process.

There are many people who want to participate in the development and application of digital tools in their diabetes care. The majority prefer to participate alone rather than in a group. For example by completing questionnaires or by participating in an interview. Only 50% think they have sufficient knowledge to participate. Less than half believes they can provide valuable input. As a reward in exchange for participation, most want to try out (free) digital tools . About 1 in 3 said they are more likely to participate if their healthcare professionals encourage it.

Use of technological and digital resources

How do people deal with diabetes in their daily life? What are reasons for using or not using technology? How do they apply this? What is the expected added value of “technological aid”? Questions that we asked people with type 2 diabetes through a questionnaire and interviews. We would like to share initial insights.

Of the 111 people with type 2 diabetes who completed the questionnaire:

  • Uses approximately 60% medical technology (e.g., continuous glucose meter, bolus calculator, insulin pen or pump).
  • Uses 50% of digital tools specifically for diabetes (e.g. a diabetes app).
  • Uses 30% digital lifestyle support tools (e.g., pedometer or lifestyle app).


Many people use medical technology and digital aids mainly to 1) to sustain life with diabetes, 2) to gain insight into their illness and lifestyle and 3 ) out of interest in technology. Some people find technology difficult, or do not want to be busy with apps and their illness. Many people wonder what digital tools they can use in their lives with diabetes. What are the costs for this? And how should it be used?