About us

Who are the researchers?

The Topfit Citizenlab team consists of a large group of researchers who work at the University of Twente, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the ROC of Twente, the Twente Hospital Group and the Roessingh Research and Development.

In the Citizenlab Mantelzorg, André Bieleman (Saxion University of Applied Sciences) and Sarah Kerklaan (Saxion University of Applied Sciences) are ultimately responsible for the lab. Movement scientist André Bieleman is Associate Lector Labor & amp; Health at the Saxion lectorate Health & amp; To move. Sarah Kerklaan is researcher Healthy workplace at the Health & amp; To move. She studied Physiotherapy and Health Sciences and is now a researcher at Saxion and Topfit.

Partners and student projects

The Citizenlab Mantelzorg works together with two organizations: Employers’ Association Zorg en Welzijn and Jong & amp; Feather. These organizations focus on the employers of informal carers and support the Citizenlab Informal Care in this area.

In the Citizenlab Mantelzorg students from different study programs also work on student projects. For example, students from the master Advanced Nursing Practice (Saxion), the master Health Care and Social Work (Saxion) and the Physiotherapy program (Saxion) are involved in the lab.