For companies, organizations and authorities
In the Netherlands, 1 in 4 informal carers has a paid job. The extra burden of informal care in addition to a paid job can lead to (temporary) dropout of the informal caregiver. In the Citizenlab Mantelzorg we want to investigate the combination of informal care in addition to a paid job and come up with solutions that prevent (temporary) drop-out of informal carers. That is why we want to actively involve their employers in the lab in the Citizenlab Mantelzorg in addition to the Twente informal carers. Municipalities and regional informal care organizations also play an important role in informal care. By actively involving all these different stakeholders in the lab, we can create the widest and broadest possible support base for finding the right resources for Twente informal carers.
If you as an organization are interested in becoming involved in the Citizenlab Mantelzorg, please contact one of the researchers involved. When participating in the Citizenlab Mantelzorg, you can think of participating in the research, by having this partly take place in your organization or by sharing your experiences with informal carers within your organization with us. Are you not an employer, municipality or regional informal care organization, but do you think you can make a relevant contribution to the lab? Then you are also cordially invited to contact us.